
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Why do I want to go to missions especially being gone for 11 months from family: Because Mathew 22:14, say for many are called but few are chosen, in January God called me to GO, I want to be apart of the chosen, because God has called so many, but sometimes we let things get in the way of the calling for example, fear, doubt, emotions, our desires, selfish ambition, etc. I don’t want to miss out on what God the Eternal is doing, each one of us have people assigned to us to reach out to, to share the gospel with, and tell our testimony, when we leave this earth and face the Eternal we will be held accountable, I want to reach the unreachable and share the good news, that’s why I chose the Expedition Route where we will be going into mountains and tribes to share the gospel this is a 10/40 window that contains 97% of all remaining unreachable people groups, Matthew 24:14 say “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come. I want to be a host of Gods presence for the coming of our Messiah, I’m not perfect I have been battling with, fear, doubt, but in my heart I have said yes to God, trusting Him that He will intervene, this is way out of my comfort zone, but I know it’s a blessing in obedience. Please keep me in prayer!