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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello my beloved’s! As you know this past week I attended training camp in Gainesville Georgia, so many beautiful things happened in a week, I don’t know where to start. But in all the process I have learned that I’m not alone in this journey, from all the prayers, donations, and encouragement, God has taught me the real meaning of agape love and unity. 

I have never been on a plane before so the fear of the unknown was definitely there, God allowed me to ride with beautiful encouraging friends to the airport, they spoke so much love and life in me, that it encouraged me to not fear and trust in God, the plane ride to training camp was nice and smooth, praise God! 

Next meeting the team, anxiety crept in, I had many thoughts running through my mind will I be accepted, I’m the oldest on the team, how will I fit in, I got to the Atlanta airport and they welcomed me with open arms, I felt accepted and loved! I had an awesome time getting to learn and know each one of my team members, it felt like we had known each other for years, God is so wonderful!

(M-Squad eating lunch on the last day of training camp! in picture below)

The hardest part of training camp was Mount Yonah Trail a 4.2 mile 1,489 ft hike we had to climb all the way to the top, with our backpacks, my backpack was about 30 pounds, we started up the mountain, I begin to breathe hard and harder my legs got weak, I cried, sweat was pouring into my clothes, and eyes, I started lagging to the back of the group, I wanted to give up, and we was not even halfway up the mountain, I stopped and said “I’m not gonna make it up.” and Mrs Darla our coach stepped in and said you will make it and she began to speak life into me, I also had prayer warriors back at home lifting me in prayer to make it up this mountain, the group stopped and waited for me, one of my teammates took my day pack and carried it up the mountain for me, God opened my eyes to see the love that each and every one had for me, when we got to the top of the mountain I for got about the pain, I seen the beautiful view, it was breathtaking to see the glorious view that the Lord created, it was worth the pain. The Lord put transfiguration in my spirit, transfiguration means-a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state, God transformed my thinking, opened my eyes and gave me a new mindset! I MADE IT TO THE TOP!!!

If you are facing a mountain in your life, yes you might sweat, cry, get tired or even feel like giving up, But God is with you through every step of the struggle He will never leave you or forsake you!

And the Lord, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

(Mount Yonah in pic below)


(Teammates and I on top of Mount Yonah)



The last transfiguration the Lord did in me was during my baptism, I was fighting with Him I wasn’t gonna get baptized, but God said I need to because, when I do I will be laying down the old me and starting a new journey in Him, So I obeyed and got baptized, I felt the power of God fall on me He gave me a new tongue language and broke some things of me!!! 

Training camp was a life changing experience, I know if God can transform me in a week. It just amazes me what He will do in 11 months!!!  


  1. Tiffany, this was so well put. I love it! God is so Strong! He is so Powerful. He is so Loving. The whole post I could only think about Romans 12:1-2. Where in Romans 12:1 it talks about giving our body as a living sacrifice. Let me tell you the sacrifice it took to get up that mountain felt like a lot, but it was the best example of a living sacrifice. We didn’t quit, we leaned on God, and we finished it by His Strength, and Power. Then Romans 12:2 talks about transforming our minds. We do this in order to test and approve God’s will. How will we know God’s voice without being transformed into His servants. Just like you said that transformation that happened on the way up and atop that mountain was beautiful, and the reason we had to go up it. I can’t wait for this coming year. We will do big things because of the blessing God gave us in being able to be His hands and feet. Much Love. Big things will come of this Squad and I am excited for it.

  2. Tiffany!! I’m so so proud of you! You are such a gift and vital part of our squad! Can’t wait to do this with.

  3. Tiffany I love you!! This had me on the verge of tears—it was so beautifully put!! I’m so proud of you and I can’t wait to see what the Lord does in this coming year.

  4. You have got such a special place on this squad AND in all of our hearts??
    Thank you for sharing & thank you for pushing past so many barriers of your comfort zone
    I can’t wait to share this next year with you, sis!! ??????

  5. Wow, thank you so much buddy, that means a lot to me, I’m thankful and grateful to do ministry along side you as well!!

  6. Thank you so much buddy I love you to!! ya’ll are so special to me, can’t wait to do ministry with you all!!

  7. Thank you so much buddy, ya’ll are so sweet, and special to me I can’t wait to do ministry with you all!!

  8. Tiff,
    Girl!! I’m so, so proud of you for all of the hard things you overcame this week!! This post brought me a lot of joy.
    You belong on M. You are an important part. You’re seen, loved, and valued.

  9. Love this Tiffany! Can’t wait to see all of the transformation the Lord brings to all of our lives in the coming year. This is just the beginning! Excited to do this journey with you 🙂

  10. Thanks so much, I’m so excited and can’t wait to do ministry with ya’ll either!!

  11. Tiffany, you are so right. If God can transform us so much in just a week, what does it look like to be transformed over 11 months of ministering for Him. I am so proud of you and your climb to Mt. Yonah- both physically and spiritually!